Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Funday


Ran my 10-miler at around 11pm today.  Miles 3 and 4 were a little slower than I would have liked but overall I was happy that I didn’t fade by the end. 

I didn’t have a chance to drink or eat anything (john had my jellybeans in his pocket but ditched me around mile 4 to do some intervals or something) while running but felt pretty good.  I ran 6 miles out to just before Manayunk and then turned back for the last 4 miles.  Met up with john at the art museum and then we were off to Trader Joe’s for some food shopping!  


Weekly Roundup:


Saturday, April 28, 2012

28 Days Until Calgary Half-Marathon!


I think this is the highest weekly mileage I’ve ran in recent months, but I feel great so far.  I took it easy today with a quick 3 miles (+ some intervals) on the treadmill.  I’m going out to eat at Nan Restaurant with the bf tonight so I plan on loading up on some pad-thai before my 11-miler tomorrow morning. 

I’m still trying to figure out my fueling strategy before long runs.  Tomorrow I’m probably going to have toast with pb and cinnamon and banana about 45 minutes before I head out.  The tricky thing for me is striking a balance between something that is substantial enough so I won’t feel like passing out in the middle of my run but not so heavy that my stomach throws a hissy fit.  I’m also going to bring some (50%-off Easter) jelly beans to munch on around mile 7, and hopefully that will allow me to finish the last few miles at a good pace. 

In other news, I tried nutritional yeast earlier this week and it was NASTY.  NOPE NOPE NOPE not a fan.  It reminded me of fish food.  Ugh.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Someone explain why coachella exists

1) I am going to run the Centuar Subaru Half-Marathon in Calgary on May 27th!  
My training plan is basically the last 5 weeks of a 12-week schedule I stole from someone's website.  It basically looks like this:  

Week 1 off 4 miles 6 miles 4 miles off 4 miles 10 miles
Week 2 off 4 miles 6 miles 4 miles off 3 miles 11 miles
Week 3  off 4 miles 5 miles 4 miles off 4 miles 13 miles
Week 4  off 4 miles 5 miles 4 miles off 3 miles 6 miles
Week 5    off 3 miles 5 miles 3 miles off 2 miles 13.1 miles

For runs over 7 miles I'm going to start carrying a stash of candy with me.  Energy gels are too expensive for this broke college student ($30 for 20 gels??  no thanks).  Right now I'm deciding between whether I prefer gummy bears or swedish fish as my crack of choice.  


As for water, I've lucked out because there are water fountains along my route.  Yay!

2) Coachella confuses me for many reasons.  Some of which are:
-It comprises of not only one, but TWO (!) weekends of bad music.  
-Concerts should not be outdoors or in the broad daylight.   
-Too many hipsters 
-The only thing worse than hipsters is rich hipsters.  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Kids on Scooters as a Replacement for Dogs

Don't ask me to choose between Colbert and Stewart, because I think they're both awesome.  I think I've watched every single Colbert Report since last June, and recently became obsessed with the Daily Show.  

^Colbert's high school yearbook.  How could you NOT love him?

I knew it was going to be hot and muggy today so I  fell out of bed in a tangle of sheet, blanket, and pillow jumped out of bed at 6:30.  I wanted to do 8 miles but cut it short at 7 because the humidity was making it hard to...breathe.  

There was a kid (couldn't have been older than 6 years old) who rode on his scooter beside me for like half a mile.  I had no idea where his parents were.  I was too pooped by that point to ask any questions so I just went along with it.  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sweat and Stink Free

Awesome 8.8 mile run yesterday.

Got to test-run my new lulu Run: Swiftly Tech V Neck in Flash and I LOVE it. The silverescent material is moisture-wicking which means you stay dry and stink-free. My biggest running pet peeves are sweat-soaked cotton t-shirts and constantly wondering if I smell homeless.

I normally wear 4 in Lululemon but went up to a 6 so that it wouldn't cling to my waist.

Headed down to center city with the boy for veggie sloppy joe and lots of fries.

Then walked over to Mutter Museum ( to check out some disfigured babies in jars. Just kidding. It was very cool - we both used to be pre-meds so this type of thing fascinates us (or at least me...he might have just been playing along). Saw many preserved human body parts that have been infected with various diseases and congenital conditions. I learned about a congenital disease called FOP ( which causes your body to turn tissue (muscle, tendons, etc.) into BONE when it gets damaged. There was a preserved skeleton of a boy who had this disease and it was so strange - bits of bone sticking out everywhere. Poor thing.

Phillies vs. Miami Marlins game on Thursday. Not gonna lie, I know absolutely nothing about baseball (3 strikes and you're out, right? Or was it 4? jk) but it was fun. I grew up watching figure skating competitions and track-and-field meets, so this was completely new to me.